Name: Re:colo Legal form: Non-profit organization Identification No.: 42426405 Address: Nabrezie mladeze 77, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia Email: miloslav.spotak[at] Phone: +421 902 287 092
Category Archives: About us
Objectives and Fields of Interest
Our organization objective is the support and development of educational, consulting, informing, supporting, sustainable developing, researching, creative, publishing, protecting and other necessary activities on local, regional, national and international level, especially in the following fields:
- youthwork, - education and preparing for labor market, - civil society, - volunteering, - social inclusion, - culture a creativity, - conservation and renewal of cultural and natural heritage, - employability, - international cooperation, - environmental conservation and creation, - networking, - sport and healthy lifestyle.
Mission and Values
Our mission is
to help in all-round development of people and region.
Values, which are more than means and purpose for us, are:
- openness, - respect, - transparency, - freedom, - inclusion.